The Holy Name Society is an organization dedicated to bringing praise and adoration to the Holy Name of Jesus. The organization of Holy Name was founded at the Council of Lyons in 1274. The Society itself is over 730 years old! Our St. Bernadette Society began in 2003. The objectives of the Society are identical with those of the Catholic Church, the salvation of souls. The spiritual life of its members is a perpetual act of reverence and love.
We meet at Lourdes Center on the first Saturday of each month at 9:00am. After a period of fellowship, the meeting is opened to the reading of Scripture, usually the Gospel for the next Sunday. Our meeting is then opened to the sharing of our faith through our discussion of the Gospel. Our Holy Name Society does not engage in fundraising or other Parish duties as we are dedicated entirely to praising God and the Name of Jesus Christ. Membership in the Holy Name Society is open to all men 18 years of age and older who are in good standing with the Catholic Church.
For more information or to join please contact Dennis Dwyer at